How to get Google Sitelinks - Secret Tactic

How to get Google Sitelinks - Secret Tactic

How to Get Google Sitelinks?

Google Sitelinks are additional links displayed beneath a search result. It's advantageous to utilize them as they allow you to occupy more space in the search results list, increasing the likelihood of engaging the audience with your content.

Google Sitelinks Creation possibilities:

  • Add links with "#" to the headings of your content. For example:
  • Google Sitelinks
  • Increase the reputation of your subpage and let Google generate it for you. You can achieve this using the DuckCTR. DuckCTR users enhance the reputation of results by generating additional links and often even Google Knowledge Panels for our pages. Remember, if the content is strongly related to a particular subpage, it will take priority in the list of additional links. Subsequently, links most frequently interlinked within the portal to the subpage are displayed.


  • Expert comment
    Jackie Chan 01.01.2008

    I'm not gonna waste my time to implement such a no sense module.


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